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Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, people's livelihood, and belongs to the weak cyclical sectors; the proportion of agricultural GDP and the number of employees are declining year after year; agricultural products have cyclical characteristics, vulnerable to the impact of natural disasters; produces supply is elastic in long term and less elastic in short term;also the price elasticity of demand and the income elasticity of demand are small.

Factors that influence agricultural development include: demographic factors, natural resources, natural disasters, national policies, and international competition. It has been the most important mission for China's agriculture industry to feed China's huge population; natural resources (land resources, climate resources and water resources) are important factors of agricultural production; agricultural products prices and agricultural subsidies are positively supporting this industry in the long term.


Forestry industry is a fundamental, raw material-based industry, its leading products, such as building materials, wood-based panels, wood pulp and paper products, furniture, rosin and so on are important and indispensable materials to the national economic development and people's lives; forestry industry also has ecological benefits, social benefits and economic benefits, thus is crucial in economic development, in improving the ecological environment, in promoting regional economic development and in addressing the farmers' employment problems. Forestry processing industry, particularly the wood-based panel industry is a labor-intensive business the prosperity of which is a significant solution to current unemployment. It is estimated that forestry industry provides nearly 8 to 10million jobs each year.
As a fundamental raw-material based industry, forestry has a long growing cycle and faces the scarcity of resources; a tension in wood supply and demand would further push up timber prices, while the reform of forest rights will revitalize this industry.


Animal Husbandry:

Two sub-sectors are included in animal husbandry: feedstuff industry and breeding industry. Feedstuff industry is an important link between crops farming industry and breeding industry; in recent years, the rapid expansion of production capacity has put feedstuff industry into a mature state of fierce product-homogenized competition with very low profit margin across the industry, and is vulnerable to the fluctuations from upstream crops farming industry and downstream breeding industry. Feedstuff enterprises' downward integration of breeding industry not only can reduce business risk, but also leads to higher industrial chain profits by establishing their own brands and differentiating the end-products.

Animal husbandry has long production cycle, and has entry time barrier and high cost exit barrier, likely causing large fluctuation in the industry; feedstuff industry is highly competitive, low in industry concentration and profit margin; breeding industry is low in the level of large-scale farming.



China's output of aquatic products ranks no.1 in the world. The near-saturation of marine catch and seafood scarcity jact up the prices; aquatic production growth mainly relies on artificial breeding.

As the international community further strengthens the protection for environment, fishery resources, and especially for high seas fisheries resources by means of international cooperation, marine fisheries have limited production growth; according to the FAO report, currently major marine fish stocks are fully exploited, the future growth in the number of aquatic products mainly relies on artificial breeding. Therefore China has determined that the strategic focus for marine fisheries is aquaculture and deep processing of aquatic products, and has developed the fishery industry restructuring concepts of "compressing offshore fishing, focusing on aquaculture development, and expanding fish processing". The "National Marine Economy Development Plan" sets direction for the development of marine fisheries: to actively promote the strategic adjustment of fisheries and the economic structure of fishing areas, to enhance the transformation from traditional to modern fishery, and to achieve the change from quantity-oriented fishery to quality-oriented fishery.


Case 1 Marketing Strategy Consulting Project for Agricultural Enterprise

Services Type: Marketing Strategy Consulting.
Project Overview:
An Enterprise in agricultural industry asked us to work out  a marketing strategy for its products. Innovative Marketing for agricultural products are pioneered by securing profits while achieving sales growth.
To realize these goals, enterprises must carry out market research, product development, storage and transportation of agricultural products, sales and a series of market-related business activities. In carrying out these activities, what kind of ideas should be as a guiding principle and how to deal with the interest relationship among companies, customers and society becomes an important question that must first be answered.

Our Solution:
Current Status of China's Agricultural Market
Innovations for Agricultural Marketing
Business Concept Innovation for Agricultural Products Markets
Marketing Strategy Innovation for Agricultural Products
Marketing Strategy for Agricultural Products
New Product Development Strategy of Agricultural Products
Pricing Strategy of Agricultural Products
Branding Strategy of Agricultural Products
Processing Strategy of Agricultural Products
Promotion Strategy of Agricultural Products
Distribution Channels Strategy of Agricultural Products
Packaging strategy for Agricultural Product
Green Strategy of Agricultural Products

Client's Comments:
Shanghai Huaran Investment Consulting Co, Ltd provides us sound marketing strategy consulting services for us, offering useful guidelines and implementation proposals for us to make business planning and marketing strategies, help us establish sound business attitude and way of thinking, and implement corporate marketing activities in the whole process.
案例2 腰果酚項目可(kě)行性研究
客戶是從事腰果殼油研究開發應用(yòng),系列精(jīng)細環氧樹脂固化劑産(chǎn)品研發、制造的高科(kē)技(jì )企業。該企業是由國(guó)内知名(míng)投資集團,在XX樹脂有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司評估科(kē)技(jì )項目的基礎上,擴股融資建成的。公(gōng)司擁有(yǒu)核心自主知識産(chǎn)權。
華然咨詢邀約對項目進行深度研究。對該項目實施的可(kě)能(néng)性、有(yǒu)效性、技(jì )術方案及技(jì )術政策進行具(jù)體(tǐ)、深入、細緻的技(jì )術論證和經濟評價,以求确定一個在技(jì )術上合理(lǐ)、經濟上合算的最優方案和最佳時機。
1) 宏觀市場分(fēn)析:未來的增長(cháng)空間,國(guó)家對行業的扶植政策,國(guó)家對外資進入該行業的政策(鼓勵/限制)及外資進入狀況,行業全球化的程度以及全球市場狀況,過去幾年行業發展狀況等。
2) 競争市場分(fēn)析,每項研究要包括項目的主要方面,需要量、價格、工(gōng)業結構和競争決定市場機會。
3) 項目定位分(fēn)析,進行實地調查和技(jì )術經濟研究,利用(yòng)數據和模型驗證項目可(kě)行性和未來發展趨勢。
4) 财務(wù)分(fēn)析,對選出的方案詳細的進行論證,确定具(jù)體(tǐ)的範圍,估算投資費用(yòng)、經營費用(yòng)和收益,并作(zuò)出項目的經濟分(fēn)析和評價。
5) ……
案例3 我國(guó)水産(chǎn)品進出口貿易形勢分(fēn)析
1) 數據全面:包括宏觀經濟、行業、企業、進出口等所有(yǒu)商(shāng)業數據信息;
2) 數據分(fēn)析功能(néng):可(kě)以對系統内所有(yǒu)數據進行計算、整理(lǐ)、作(zuò)圖、指标對比分(fēn)析、地理(lǐ)分(fēn)布地圖、導出圖表等操作(zuò);
3) 數據預測功能(néng):對未來宏觀經濟運行、行業和企業的發展趨勢做出計量分(fēn)析和預測;